You are not going to see the governments which administer elections and tabulate the "results" announce that any candidate or any referendum ending their power has won. The idea of elections is not to represent the will of the people but to thwart it. The people who make a peaceful change in power impossible have sown the wind. They will reap the whirlwind.

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I really wish we could cut Gov. size and spending!

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Well done. Glad Zero Hedge picked up your piece. Helped us find another good

Substack to read!

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I agree! I saw this piece reprinted at Mises Wire, and here I am! Great post IMHO. Am enjoying the comments, too.

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Thanks 'mental!

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“Voting.” Ha, good one. You can only vote your way in to Big Government. Like it or not, you’re gonna have to shoot your way out. Not sure what the point of 500 million guns are if no one is ever willing to use them. May as well turn them in like the law abiding tax-paying serfs you really are. The real hard truth about liberty is not what most want to hear but it’s not just about being willing to die for it. You have to be willing to kill for it.

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You said it well, Wilson.

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Well, the voters voted for the government programs that ultimately caused this crisis in the first place. In that sense blaming their greed is fair.

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Your comment deserves a billion likes. The beautiful U.S citizen is gone, they have been replaced. Mexicanization of U.S, Historically in Mexico the ends justifies the means (aka) the cartels only want to sell drugs to earn a living, it's not their fault the drug is killing people by accident. If you allow illegal foreign nationals into your country by the millions without assimilation without required citizenship this is what happens.

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Great new substack read!

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Thanks Charlie! 🙏

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I have a pet theory that the central banks, which started in Europe and were charted by the monarchies, and likely all the monarchies are major shareholders, have been using this model of wealth extraction, economic and social warfare, and fascism, to wage war on humanity following on from the western monarchies, who with their partners the Roman Catholic Church after hundreds of years of fascist global capitalism had built their fortunes invented this system as a perpetual wealth transfer, enslavement and impoverishment machine - and what we are witnessing today with the multiple global institutions all playing a part is global class warfare by the bankers and their backers, which have to include the monarchies as they are all woke and supporting every fascist policy.

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Agree that central banks are a wealth-extraction and state-maximizing tool, but I think monarchies long ago lost them. World War I was pretty much the end of Kings, and all their tools passed on to the victors.

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There are only two evils on the world; politics and religion!

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Peter is pleasantly cynical and draws pictures in your mind . Very much like playing air guitar, I guess. , It's for those people that know what it happening, have no way to interfere or participate but are just so fed up with it all that relieving some of the drudge is a happy grunt at the end of the article or video. Then, waiting for the next one. How do we allow to let "those Verdammte Idioten" be in charge of our world, is totally beyond me.

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haha, "air guitar for your mind" 🥳

As for the cynicism, I figure give them all the respect they're due. Which is none 😂

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Voters being angry is irrelevant, democracy is an illusion.

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General price inflation is self evidently due to a fall in the price of the currency. Inverting the usual relationship the price of the currency in goods and services terms is falling when money prices rise (less G&S required to buy a currency unit). As with any asset the price of a currency is determined by supply and demand. General price inflation can of course be driven by increasing supply of currency but we must not overlook declining demand for the currency. When the currency in question is fiat, meaning a promise of nothing, demand is supported by little more than confidence. Confidence can fall suddenly and precipitously driving surging inflation, an outcome which will mystify central bankers who believe inflation is explained by the inadequate Phillips curve notion (wage pressures due to elevated economic activity).

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