The widespread despair in America and West more broadly is certainly due to the time theft perpetrated by central banks and governments - we must fix the money.

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Jul 1, 2023·edited Jul 2, 2023Liked by Peter St Onge

Excellent 30K foot view of the situation. I've always said, we fail to extricate ourselves from these repeating miasmas and oppressions, because we've been willingly taught to see the world in the Micro - as ants considering a caved in mound and not see it in the Macro - as in a devious child, watching the ants rebuild and then violently shaking the ant farm once again.

We lack understanding of the true reality, of our collective situation - because we've been taught that the problems are gender, economy, climate, politics, alt energy, cricket burgers, corrupt NGO and bureaucracies, election cycles, etc. - those are real problems, but not THE real problems.

Those are the manufactured and consequential means, by which the ants are fragmented and sent scurrying in 1000 different directions, never able to fully recover from the last, unexplained shake-up.

The real problem is the little shit and his snot nosed, devious and maniacal friends - shaking the farm endlessly - but the ants have neither the time nor perspective, to understand that truth and so are forever scurrying around trying to survive - as they've done for thousands and thousands of years - just as clueless and helpless, as all who came before them.

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I find it incredibly frustrating that most economists don't see that government's negative equity is an implicit liability of the private sector. They're constantly thinking in terms of how to maintain the current level of flows, and ignoring the build-up of *unallocated* losses—the very worst kind.

Recently we heard how the German government might need to bail out the Bundesbank. I described it on Twitter as one insolvent entity writing an IOU to another insolvent entity in exchange for some of the latter's non-existent equity.

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The bank/central bank/government billionaire monopoly is responsible for wealth inequality worldwide. They are the scum of the Earth, enriching themselves by constantly fleecing the poorest and middle class. They also steal billions from everyone via taxpayers by claiming they are too big to fail. All central banks should be designated as terrorist groups and be sent to Guantanamo Bay for some waterboarding.

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I'm glad you mentioned the Soviet Union. I was in Europe at the time....the Skåne to be precise. One day everything was fine. The next day, college kids were sitting on top of the Berlin Wall, drinking, singing and looking just a little confused by the turn of events. The day after that, the Soviet Union fell. It happened so quickly it still blows my mind. Things can go on for a long time and then change in a hurry. Lesson learned.

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I've never been a big fan of Ray Dalio. He States the obvious for anyone paying attention and knowing a little bit about history. The mainstream media is in their Twilight years. Anyone with half a brain takes anything they say with a jaundiced eye. The information age and alternative media will eventually strike the death blow on the remnants of mainstream media. Many, but not nearly enough, realize the harm the central banks have been causing for a very long time, since, you rightly pointed out, Nixon and the gold standard. I don't believe the elites pulling the kinetic war card, this time, will be well received, other than from the likes of butt s*** Senators. They won't go down easy, but they must go down. Bernie Sanders is a joke and easily got rolled over by the corrupt Democrat Party. Sorry Bernie Bros. Robert F Kennedy Jr is a populist candidate with legs in the Democrat Party. However, they'll never let him get the nomination.

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Like your Common Sense articles. You must be related to Thomas Paine. A big change is coming in 2024, and those who depend on government will suffer the consequences of their strong delusions.

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American is in a brisk of rude awakening, UFA are taking over the economy and laws, overall. We are in serious out of shape situation spending on and getting into debt, meanwhile you have people making a Million $ just to show it face in social media. It doesn’t make sense to me. Who can we trust, UFO?

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'Another Fine Mess', the 1930s era short featuring Laurel and Hardy. Ollie passionately says to Stanley "Here's another nice mess you've gotten me into." This could be said by the US taxpayers to all the budget busting, High spending uniparty Congress people over a very long course of American history. I agree with the author, we are in a real pickle and it could take Generations to dig out of the hole, if we have a country left to dig out. The only one of the three I see being meaningful, but painful as all three would be, is severe curtailing government spending. That would take guts by the politicians, which I am not at all optimistic about. A few days ago Bloomberg published an article illustrating the Dire Straits the middle class is under. They state "More than $2 trillion in wealth held by the middle class has been eliminated since the Fed started hiking, according to data compiled by economists at the University of California, Berkeley." I believe we are at the point where others are untrusting of our governments ability to repay debt, and the bond market will reflect that soon. Attacks on the US Petro dollar are being conjured up by many other nations, which means more loss of living standards in the US. Those paying attention are already making the move to more gold, silver, private crypto, land, collectibles, food storage and food security, water and water security and guns and ammo, to name just a few. Are you ready?

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Peter St Onge Ph.D. just received a nice mention today on the great Greg Reese report. It gives confirmation to the important work being done on this substack format.......



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First episode of many to come. Primer on decentralizing your life from the system....


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Very much in agreement with your post. Keep up the great work.

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