It wouldn't matter if 100% wanted spending cuts. The truth is that the U.S. no longer has a representative form of government, unless by "representative government" you mean a government that is only accountable to the politicians and the deep state. We are ruled by a kleptocratic oligarchy.
Evidently there are a bunch of billionaire philanthropists that want to “give away” all their money in their lifetimes. Let’s let them make up the deficit.
Will McCarthy cave just like his predecessors, "open borders" Fox whore Paul Ryan and "Limp mind" crying marijuana lobbying John Boehner? These people have no clue on how to drive a hard bargain. They get Passage of a minimal cut in exorbitant spending, get Passage among membership, then start retracing the victory they had within their own caucus. The stance should be to the Senate and White House..... pass your deal through the Senate and get presidential verbal approval, then we MIGHT be able to talk a bit. Otherwise, let me know when you like my plan. Hard stop PERIOD!!
Funny how the cuts impact Social Security and Military pay to name just two. I EARNED every penny of my Social Security. There are countless numbers of people receiving SS benefits who have never paid a dime into the fund. And then there are the welfare recipients, yet there is not a peep about any cuts to those programs. We need some adults in charge, not the parasites up there now.
I'm sorry to have to break this to you, but you've been lied to your entire life about Social Security. It's not and never was a savings scheme, funny how it started paying out as soon as it was passed even though no one had saved into it yet. It was always a Ponzi scheme.
Yep. Several of my much older relatives were collecting and laughing all the way to the bank, as they were rooting me on to keep working and paying into the system for them. They knew it was a Ponzi scheme way back then, not unlike many of the other social welfare schemes laid upon the American people. For decades I've been referring to it as socialism security. Yet, The Beat Goes On, possibly as long as King Dollar is not dethroned. But the BRICKS+ nations are moving fast to change that scenario, because they realize the Folly of our political "BETTERS" class.
I get it. In reality every check the government writes is a bad check all based on borrowed or printed money. I don't disagree with your argument but Yellen and others always want to go punish those who have or are actually contributing something to society. Shameful. Let it roll into default.
This is where it gets frustrating. The government will take in over 4 trillion, which is more than enough to pay SS, the Military, pay the interest om the national debt (at least for now), etc. My standard line is I am far from wealthy but I'm not broke. My wife and I could easily hang in there for the foreseeable future, though I will concede I would rather have my SS money. But if I have to take a hit I want every government parasite joining in the fun as well.
Every government parasite will want you and me to take the hit. And somehow the government parasites always get their way.
When forced to cut spending, government regulators always cut the few programs that have some visible value to the public, but increase the ones that benefit themselves. Like in the Reagan years when the federal park service stopped giving out little park maps to the public visitor, due, they said, to "budget cuts". While giving themselves big raises.
Let's also not forget about one of the last government shutdowns when non-essential government workers filed for unemployment, collected it and then ultimately received back wages. Complete joke.
"...polls showing Americans overwhelmingly want spending cuts..."
It wouldn't matter if 100% wanted spending cuts. The truth is that the U.S. no longer has a representative form of government, unless by "representative government" you mean a government that is only accountable to the politicians and the deep state. We are ruled by a kleptocratic oligarchy.
Evidently there are a bunch of billionaire philanthropists that want to “give away” all their money in their lifetimes. Let’s let them make up the deficit.
Warren Buffet gave away $billions. To Bill and Melinda Gates.
Will McCarthy cave just like his predecessors, "open borders" Fox whore Paul Ryan and "Limp mind" crying marijuana lobbying John Boehner? These people have no clue on how to drive a hard bargain. They get Passage of a minimal cut in exorbitant spending, get Passage among membership, then start retracing the victory they had within their own caucus. The stance should be to the Senate and White House..... pass your deal through the Senate and get presidential verbal approval, then we MIGHT be able to talk a bit. Otherwise, let me know when you like my plan. Hard stop PERIOD!!
> Americans want Spending Cuts.
Sort off. They want spending cuts for everything but their personal pet programs. Well since nearly every program is someone's pet program...
Incompetence, Zero Integrity
Vote out every incumbent. Rinse and repeat until there is some competency and integrity.
When the dollar fails, what will be the dominant currency?
Funny how the cuts impact Social Security and Military pay to name just two. I EARNED every penny of my Social Security. There are countless numbers of people receiving SS benefits who have never paid a dime into the fund. And then there are the welfare recipients, yet there is not a peep about any cuts to those programs. We need some adults in charge, not the parasites up there now.
> I EARNED every penny of my Social Security.
I'm sorry to have to break this to you, but you've been lied to your entire life about Social Security. It's not and never was a savings scheme, funny how it started paying out as soon as it was passed even though no one had saved into it yet. It was always a Ponzi scheme.
Yep. Several of my much older relatives were collecting and laughing all the way to the bank, as they were rooting me on to keep working and paying into the system for them. They knew it was a Ponzi scheme way back then, not unlike many of the other social welfare schemes laid upon the American people. For decades I've been referring to it as socialism security. Yet, The Beat Goes On, possibly as long as King Dollar is not dethroned. But the BRICKS+ nations are moving fast to change that scenario, because they realize the Folly of our political "BETTERS" class.
It's more the unprecedented debt level. The BRICKS+ are just a symptom. Otherwise, I agree.
I get it. In reality every check the government writes is a bad check all based on borrowed or printed money. I don't disagree with your argument but Yellen and others always want to go punish those who have or are actually contributing something to society. Shameful. Let it roll into default.
> Let it roll into default.
I agree. But you do realize that after the default, you still won't get your SS check.
This is where it gets frustrating. The government will take in over 4 trillion, which is more than enough to pay SS, the Military, pay the interest om the national debt (at least for now), etc. My standard line is I am far from wealthy but I'm not broke. My wife and I could easily hang in there for the foreseeable future, though I will concede I would rather have my SS money. But if I have to take a hit I want every government parasite joining in the fun as well.
Every government parasite will want you and me to take the hit. And somehow the government parasites always get their way.
When forced to cut spending, government regulators always cut the few programs that have some visible value to the public, but increase the ones that benefit themselves. Like in the Reagan years when the federal park service stopped giving out little park maps to the public visitor, due, they said, to "budget cuts". While giving themselves big raises.
Let's also not forget about one of the last government shutdowns when non-essential government workers filed for unemployment, collected it and then ultimately received back wages. Complete joke.