Excellent read Peter.

Gives America, the UK, France, Germany and the rest hope.

It's possible to restrict bloodflow to the Gov parasite.

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Prayers, prayers, and more prayers for his continued success!

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There are mass protests against Milei because of how the Dog Whisperer's chainsaw policies are resulting in many people being unable to pay their bills and not getting the bonuses they were due. Adopting a failing foreign country's currency that is itself destined for hyperinflation as it ceases to be the world's reserve currency, that Milei somehow believes will improve Argentina's sovereignty since words now mean whatever you want them to mean, is also widely criticised as foolish.

Dollarisation transforms the state into a money laundering haven like it did Ecuador. Having your own currency means it has to be laundered and makes corruption much more difficult, but with dollarisation it's free reign for cartels and criminals, as Colombian leaders have recently pointed out. No doubt this will be a boon to Milei's handlers and the foreign interests that control him, as it is well in line with the discredited CIA school of Austrian economics he favours and whose members he names his cloned dogs after.

He is insane and useless, an "anti-globalist" who applauds globalist businessmen and calls them heroes, and who is dependent on IMF loans. His politics are a disaster for Argentina, and it should raise suspicion when one looks at who is supporting them, Milei, and his government.



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You bring up some interesting points here.

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Guess which Latin American country had a fantastic 2023: Venezuela. Mexico is also doing extremely well, thanks to the dynamic duo of Trump and AMLO. https://versionfinal.com.ve/politica-dinero/delcy-rodriguez-solicita-al-parlamento-la-aprobacion-de-20-mil-millones-para-el-2024/

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I wish all the best for Mr. Milei. Not only for Argentina's sake but for the proof of concept.

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The difference is that in Argentina the government is rife with corruption.

In the US the government is…………

well, never mind.

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If Milei was elected president in the U.S., congress would take care of him just like they took care of Trump.

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Great read… US legislators should take note and slash government spending. We should have a surplus year after year…

We are the United States of America.

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This proves that it can be done.

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Edit needed? “And he's surely motivated to do it, since dollarization in other countries like did it like Ecuador has 90% public support.”

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just wait. wont last. but will please the wing nuts.

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It will be fascinating to watch their inflation over the next year and beyond (hopefully trend way down). Keep us posted!

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Does the dollar have any more association with reality than the Argentine Peso?

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