The US has been in a massive depression since around 2007. The government GDP data is propaganda and has no basis in truth whatsoever. You need to check out Shadow Stats for the true numbers, see here for more info;


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Depressions come and go but people can't seem to remember them. Unless one can remember them then one cannot do anything about them. Is this because people are hardwired to only remember the good but forget the bad? History is a strange thing that, if studied, will remind you that all that has happened before can, and in most cases, will happen again. As Thomas Sowell wrote "One of the most important reasons for studying history is that virtually every stupid idea that is in vogue today has been tried before and proved disastrous before, time and again."

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I was listening to Jim Willie yesterday talk about the treasury auction environment coming in '24. I knew the US recently have a very difficult time moving them, and according to him, trillions are coming up with no buyers other than the Fed doing a circle jerk. And I was wondering, 'why don't we hear anything about it' to which he answered there is media collusion going on to not tell how bad the situation is-- that nations are abandoning the dollar left and right.

According to Jim, the inflation will hit, and the depression follows. Your scenario lays out the parts in-between the cash inflation machine and when it hits the people. It looks like this is happening in Canada already. Justin Castro is likely to flee after his loss in '24.


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Sobering. Not a welcome message but the truth always hurts.

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I've been calling for several years of stagflation, globally. Central banks are in a damn near impossible situation: Either inflate away their currencies to avoid a depression, or protect their currencies and cause a depression.

They'll likely try to do both and result in stagflation.

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We are becoming a crime cartel economy, which is being imported from China via Canada and Mexico. Instead of China becoming more like us, we are becoming more like them.

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The IRS is working fast and hard to make the “rich” “pay their fair share of taxes”. This never turns out well.

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Simon Hunt has mentioned the global depression will occur in 2025. Even if his timeline is a bit off, he said there will be rate cuts(which the fed announced will occur in 2024) first. These rate cuts will lead to a ‘last hoorah’ in the economy, followed by a depression. Imo time will prove his scenario as correct

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Sad but clearly written

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